What I like about my sister's PUR water filter Flavored

I've always loved the benefits of bottled water, chemical flavorings and not because the seeds have been cleaned, but it could also be expensive.
Especially the fruit-flavored bottled water I have to buy the last time. The calories in less than an alternative to the juice in one of various fruit flavors, but still will give you water that has been treated with chemicals and germs, the page of taste, smell and that can affect the results detected by the nose.
Then one day, my bestFriend told me about her PUR water filter to start. Of course I did not realize it was a PUR water filter at the time.
He began to describe me he could find raspberry taste of filtered water from her kitchen faucet and press the button for more flavor if you wanted more. I could not trust. I thought it would be a good substitute for a lot of people, because you could save all kinds of money for the purchase of expensive flavored waters and save a lot of plastic bottlesends up in landfills.
Of course I understand, you could set a PUR water filter on your tap to raise money than buying bottled water to save regularly, but I had no idea that you can get flavored water filter. I had for my PUR water filter in about a week of my savings in regular mineral water and coffee in the morning does not pay more, because I prepared my coffee at home now with my filtered water from the kitchen faucet and taken regularly filtered water from home and lunch breaksor visit after work-gym.
In fact, I appreciated the fact that I could put my bottles in the freezer and keep my lunch cold, and they were full when I was ready for a cold drink liquefied. But they were not a substitute for my joys great taste of bottled water.
I wanted to taste something, but since I have a water filter tap water before, I did some research and came out, I could buy a PUR water pitcher alternative formFilter.
What was nifty about the pitcher who could hold 7-8 cups of filtered water, and the button was for the sake of the slides, drunk, but the rest of the water was tasteless.
If I work all PUR water pitcher filter with me, I could make my own flavored water right there on the spot with tap water or divided into parts with people who just wanted to purified filtered water without the taste. All inBeloved job, and I had the best of both worlds.
A PUR water filter for your kitchen faucet is still the largest and most convenient way to obtain dangerous chemicals and germs of all the water you drink, drops, with a kitchen and coffee or ice cubes. Not hard to install and are now with the new cartridges fruit taste. But if you love me and are already available, you can always buy PUR filter pitcher of water and flavored water, when and whereThey want.
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