Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Do it yourself meat thermometer with a predictive filter

Do it yourself meat thermometer with a predictive filter On YouTube.

For chefs cooking is an art enthusiast. Knowing exactly when a piece of meat is cooked to perfection wants to know, your body and your grill. But with a little 'technology, you can use a digital thermometer with meat and the use of digital signal processing techniques to get an answer much faster. This video explains how to use it to predict the slow transfer of heat within the sensor temperature to model mathematically the sensor, and, finally, an answer much faster, with a little 'Microcontroller processing power! For more information, please read the tutorial on www.nerdkits.com

Tags: meat, thermometer, DIY, microcontroller, kit, nerd, nerdkits, avr, lm34, temperature, sensor, transfer, function, step, response, linear, system, exponential, decay, cooking, inverse, first, order, single, pole, noise, low, pass, filter, predict, model, thermal, conduction, solder, hamburger, steak, lcd, atmega168, digital, signal, processing, dsp

bluebird microphone

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